First and foremost appologies for the delay in the writting I have been a bit busy. I would like to use this post by introducing to you the Iphone 4 (Four Generation), and what Apple say as the biggest leap since the Iphone series was launched

The Iphone 4 comes "running" on to the Smart Phone Market and just like its predcesor, a break through in the Mobile Phone Market. The biggest feature is apples HD resoultion display. Other features include new and improved app's directory, improved video editing suite and a front facing camera. The front facing camera brings with it a whole different ball game of tricks, allowing users to create video conferencing in a much more clearer and easier format. For a long time Apple has been a major player in the Smart Phone market with 24%, and now there new addition will only improve there cutting edge.
What the Iphone fails to deliver and what other, smart phone manufacturers are leading the way, is camera technology. Whilst Sony Ericsons X10 features a 10 mega pixal camera, whilst Apple can only manage a slow and steady 5 mega pixal camera, which in the mobile phone market is weak.
The Iphone 4 will be available on Vodafone, O2, Orange and Three. Rumours have been flying around, about how much, the Iphone 4 will retail for, but as yet there isn't a definante price, but in my opinion will be quite a high price and there will be a large demand for the latest gadget if anything like the Ipad was in the USA, where 300,000 units in its first weekend of sales.
I certaintly can't wait to get my hands on one the hotest gadgets of the summer!
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