Blogs are excellent tools to enable the development of such information and in particular people who write blogs tend too comment not just on the facts but also on their opinions. A blog post can take many different shapes, sizes and content structures. Whether your into Football, Art, or something niche there will always be something out there for everyone.
The area in which blogs live in a social media context is called a blogosphere. The term implies that blogs exist together as an entity or as a social network in which everyday authors can publish their opinions.
I was reading an article from which the picture below was sourced, within it there were some relevant and interesting statistics relating to the blog industry:
- Blogpulse track more than 150 million blogs currently with the Huffington Post rated as the best blog out there on the market. According to Jeff Bullas he suggests that the sucess of Huffington Post, a blog started by Arianna Huffington, co founder of the Huffington post, is based on a number of factors, mostly to do with their passion, and she suggests that the reason why she started her blog was for the ability for people to make a difference on the Internet by just pure persistance and passion.
- The majority of blogs are focused around an important hobby or interest. Furthermore the average age of bloggers are around 35 - 44, often these people have defined career goals or may be stay at home mums wanting to keep busy.
- Further evidence shows that the blogging culture is most popular among males (67%). Readwriteweb suggest this maybe due to the fact that more men may work in a computer/IT related environment.
- Most blogs are updated on a tri-weekly basis. Keeping people in the know about a particular interest or hobby or updating your experiences is key in keeping your followers interested. According to Howtospotter, 2010 the main reason why blogs fail is because lack of unique, quality information that continues to flow to it.
- Japanese is the most common blog language closely followed by English. Although this is quite surprising, according to Global Voices online "Since the time that Manabe Kaori, who has been called the first Blog Queen, it has because the dominant culture and norm". A more concrete suggestion of the larger percentage in particular, Ichiro explains that Japanese is the country of writing. Japanese have long been writing diaries, journals etc and so this continued trend has followed into their blogging lifestyle.
- With the most number of blogs widely distributed around the east coast of America in particular New York and Boston. This further demonstrates their culture and online lifestyle.
Blogging isn't something which you start up once and just forget about. For someone it is often a full time job generating enormous revenues from advertising and other media. If you use it wisely much of the information can be beneficial to others.
Have you got a blog? Interested in starting your own blog but don't have any inspiration or guidance on what to write. Send me a message and hopefully I will be able to help you.

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