Friday 30 April 2010

Count down to vote!

With less than week, now until people cast there votes at the poll's. There is still an uncertainty as to who will win come the 7th May (Coincedentaly my birthday). In my opinion most of the candidates say pretty much the same thing, just repeating the same policies, nothing new.

It makes it so complex for voters to choose, although everyone suggests change they don't exactly know what change they want. The election debate that has occured in the past three weeks, has sweeped the nation, but all we ever see is leaders arguing against each other, about policies and manifesto's.

It would be easy to say, actually why don't I create a new party a party which combines the labour of liverpool, the conservative's of chelsea. It is easy to think how easy it would be to create your own party, one which combines everything which people want. It is easy to see how much money, local businesses support governments and spend on the campaign trails and just like mancini, ancelotti they are heavily backed in terms of cash.

I would like to say that, who ever wins's it will be best for the nation, but in hindsight it is easy to ignore people's views and opinions. So if you had loads of £$£$£ then what would you do with it? create your own political party perhaps an idea.

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